Welcome to the St Albans Poet (TSAP)
Have a haiku New Year.
A new year ahead,
let the river run slowly
to the open sea.
© (TSAP/ MPSO. 01/012024)
The haiku, is normally an unrhymed poem. It really should consist of 17 syllables (phonetic units): arranged of three lines; the first line of 5, the middle of 7, and the final line again of 5 syllables. It would/ should include a cutting word (kireji) and a seasonal reference (kijo). It’s a stand alone poem.
The “haiku” name is credited to Masaoka Shiki, credited with writing 20,000 such stanzas in his short life. He died aged 34, born in Matsuyama, Japan in October 1867. Shiki is one of the four masters of this poetic form, the others being Matsuo Bashō, Yosa Buson, and Kobayashi Issa.
© The St Albans Poet (MPSO/ TSAP) thestalbanspoet.com
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Or are they just shadows,
a figment of an overactive imagination?
Enter and stay a while.
The St Albans poet. (TSAP)